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sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015

NSA vence ação judicial versus Larry Klayman/Outros

A NSA contabilizou uma recente vitória judicial para a coleta de metadados realizada pela agência no âmbito dos vários programas denunciados no escândalo do WikiLeaks.

A ação judicial foi movida pelo ativista Larry Klayman e outros contra a NSA, e discutia a legalidade da coleta de metadados para os fins dos programas relacionados a Atividade de Inteligência que se tornaram notórios após as denúncias de Edward Snowden.

A recente decisão judicial teve lugar na US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, sendo exarada por três juízes, em grau de recurso julgado favorável a NSA, sendo o fundamento básico a ausência de provas:

"...The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit said there were not sufficient grounds for the preliminary injunction imposed by the lower court. The law in question expired in June and was revised by Congress. 
The three-judge panel concluded that the case was not moot despite the change in the law and sent the case back to US District Court Judge Richard Leon for further proceedings.
"Although one could reasonably infer from the evidence presented the government collected plaintiffs' own metadata, one could also conclude the opposite," wrote Judge Janice Rogers Brown. As such, the plaintiffs "fall short of meeting the higher burden of proof required for a preliminary injunction," she added..."


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