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quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2015

MI5 alerta diante de possíveis ataques terroristas do ISIS

Andrew Parker tem ratificado sistematicamente o risco de ataques terroristas do ISIS contra alvos britânicos - em recente discurso, o chefe do MI5 afirma que a ameaça atual ao Reino Unido é a maior de toda sua carreira. 

Matéria do The Guardian destaca as palavras de Parker em defesa de tecnologias de vigilância em massa que capacitem a inteligência no combate ao terrorismo, diante da possibilidade de alterações nos poderes investigativos do governo:

"...We do not seek sweeping new intrusive powers in that legislation, but rather a modern legal framework that reflects the way that technology has moved on, and that allows us to continue to keep the country safe. [...] It may not yet have reached the high water mark, and despite the successes we have had, we can never be confident of stopping everything [...] We are seeing plots against the UK directed by terrorists in Syria; enabled through contacts with terrorists in Syria; and inspired online by Isil’s  sophisticated exploitation of technology. [...] It uses the full range of modern communications tools to spread its message of hate, and to inspire extremists, sometimes as young as their teens, to conduct attacks in whatever way they can. [...] Those providers rightly want to maintain the privacy and security of their customers’ data – but they also have an obligation, and I would argue an ethical responsibility, to work with law enforcement and other agencies to prevent their services being used for the purposes of serious crime and terrorism. [...] But I hope that the public debate will be a mature one, informed by the three independent reviews, and not characterised by ill-informed accusations of ‘mass surveillance’, or other such lazy two-worded tags...”

Parker tem repetido sistematicamente que vários planos terroristas foram desmascarados recentemente, sendo pelo menos seis no Reino Unido e outros em alvos ultramarinos, com grande auxílio da exploração sistemática de metadados em modernos programas de inteligência.

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